Town Councillors
Burscough Town Council can have up to fourteen Councillors. Town Councillors receive no remuneration, and give their time for free, to improve and maintain our community.
Town and Parish Councils are a part of local government, dealing with the most local issues. Burscough Town Council provides a range of local amenities and improvements that help to make the village look attractive and a pleasant place to be. This includes provision and maintenance of bus shelters, seats and litters bins, summer bedding and hanging baskets, play equipment, Christmas decorations and more. The Town Council provides grants to local voluntary sector organisations and works in partnership with Borough and County Councils, and with local organisations to create a better quality of life for local people. We work hard too, lobbying statutory agencies, to make sure Burscough gets a fair deal. The Town Council is funded by West Lancashire Borough Council, primarily through the Parish Precept and Community Infrastructure Levy.
Town and Parish Councils are democratic and are run by and for the community they serve: Any member of the public can attend its meetings and there is an opportunity at each meeting for residents to comment. Town Councillors are elected every four years and give their time freely. If you are interested in the work of the Town Council, there are opportunities for members of the public to get involved not just as councillors, but as volunteers in working groups and committees, where special skills, and extra pairs of hands are most welcome.
Your Councillors
Mayor: Brian Kennedy
Deputy Town Mayor: Derick Moss
Councillor Address Telephone
Burscough Town Ward (BWD1/BWD2)
Cynthia Dereli 10 Meadowbrook L40 7XA 01704 95247
John Crawford 201 Liverpool Road South L40 7RE 01704 895297
Ellerbrook Ward (BEB/BEC)
Neil Pollington 11 Windsor Close L40 7RH 07545 776408
Swin Purple 07354271272
Jack Williams 07940080079
New Lane Ward (SBE)
Mike Price 98 New Lane L40 0RY 07748 621533
Red Cat Lane Ward (BWA)
John Horsley Curlew Cottage, 82 Moss L40 0RQ 07518 967517
Richmond Park Ward (BWC)
Ezra Ouko 1 Higgins Lane. L40 7AZ. 07912 945351
St John’s Ward (BEA)
Brian Kennedy 37 Weaver Avenue L40 4LE 01704 895374
Stephen Bradley 34 School Lane L40 4AE 07801 433584
Stanley Ward (BWB)
Derick Moss 4 Abbey Fold L40 7UX 07860 735025
Brian Bailey 60 Hesketh Road L40 7SQ 07518 757059
Clerk to the Council
Jackie Maguire Clerk 01704 894914
Sheila Gill
Deputy Clerk/RFO
Burscough Town Council
Interchange Building
Station Approach
Burscough L40 0RZ
Town Council Vacancies
Would you consider being a Town Councillor and putting yourself forward for co-option to Burscough Town Council?
To apply, you must be over 18 and a resident of, or live within three miles of, Burscough (or work at a business in the area). Suitable candidates will have a strong interest in the community and be prepared to give their time and take responsibility for helping to look after the concerns of local residents. We provide training and support for new Councillors. Meetings normally take place once per month on Wednesday evenings and there may be other meetings to attend.
Your interest would be most welcome if you would like to know more about this opportunity, contact:- Jackie Maguire, Clerk to the Town Council,
01704 894914.
Deputy Clerk and Responsible Financial Officer is Sheila Gill email:-
The Annual Town Meeting is a meeting is held between 1st March and 1st June each year. The Annual Town Council meeting is once a year and usually in May, the next Annual Assembly will be arranged in due course when we ratify all our policies and delegated authorities.
Full Town Council Meetings are usually held monthly at 7pm on the second Wednesday of each month. The agenda for the meeting is published three days beforehand so that you can see what business is planned. There will be no regular meetings in August, but meetings resume again in September. All public meetings start at 7pm and are held at, Burscough Town Council Offices, Interchange Building, Station Close unless otherwise notified.
Members of the public are invited to attend Town Council Meetings, and can speak at “residents’ points of interest”. Please note: Under the Council’s Standing Orders (1.6) photographing, recording, broadcasting or transmitting the proceedings of a meeting by any means is permitted but please let the Chairman know in advance. If you intend to record members of the public, we would advise that their permission is sought first, and to that end, request that you speak to the Chairman to request that he seeks their express agreement.
The next Town Council Meetings
at Burscough Primary School, Colbourne Close are on:-
Wednesday 14 th June 2022 at 7pm
Wednesday 12 th July 2022 at 7pm
None in August
Wednesday 20 th September 2023 at 7pm
Wednesday 12 th October 2023 at 7pm
Wednesday 15 th November 2023 at 7pm
Wednesday 20 th December 2023 at 7pm
A Notice must be posted in a public place 3 clear days before each meeting.
In Burscough, notices are posted on the Town Council Notice Board at the corner of School Lane.
Standing Orders
Burscough Town Council’s Standing Orders are the written procedures and rules of the local Council. They are used to confirm the Town Council’s internal organisation, administration and procurement procedural matters for meetings and associated business of the Council. Standing orders are a statutory requirement of the Town Council and control the integral organisation of the Council.