Burscough Town Council

Vacancies for Town Councillors

Burscough Town Council currently have three vacancies for Town Councillors, if you are interested in becoming a Town Councillor contact the Clerk – Jackie Maguire – tel 01704 894914 or jackie.maguire@burscoughtc.org.uk.

Confirmation of Exercise Of Public Rights

Each year the smaller authority’s Annual Governance and Accountability Return is required to be reviewed by an external auditor appointed by Smaller Authorities’ Audit Appointments Ltd.

Click to details


Burscough Town Council Legal advice. 
BTC Legal Advice 2022

West Lancashire Borough Council
Legal advice

WLBC Legal Advice 2022

Defibrillator Training

Defibrillator Training

Defibrillator training, often combined with CPR training, equips you to respond effectively in a cardiac arrest situation.

Defibrillator training, often combined with CPR training, equips you to respond effectively in a cardiac arrest situation.

Burscough Meeting Community Rooms in the Interchange Building

Burscough Town Council has extended its room booking system and includes the use of a multimedia screen suitable for online meetings/presentations Monday through Sunday, 10am until 10 pm; if you would like to make a booking, please follow the link.

Burscough is a thriving community of about 10,000 residents located by the Leeds to Liverpool Canal on the A59 about halfway between Liverpool and Preston. Burscough is home to Martin Mere Wildfowl and Wetlands Centre, Merseyside Passenger Transport Trust, the Wharf and much more.

We have a rich history from the 12th Century Priory, the Leeds and Liverpool canal and HMS Ringtail, two railway stations, lots of pleasant walks, the best places to eat and drink, and a great welcome. Burscough is a small town that feels like a village, with a range of excellent shops and the best industrial space you can find. The town is set for major growth in the coming years and there is always lots for a Town Council to do.

Use the Menu above to find details of how the Town Council works. You can look up Councillors details and how to get in touch; agendas and minutes of meetings, news and items of interest.

If you would like to get involved with the work of the Town Council or comment on any issue of Town Council business, your contribution will be most welcome. Come to any of our meetings or contact us whichever way suits you best. Wikipedia



Postal Votes

Burscough news
whos responsible for managing flood risk

Flood Resilience


Burscough Town Council have a small supply of aqua sacs and hydro snakes which are available to Burscough residents. These are limited to residents who are most vulnerable and at risk of foul water, clear water and surface water entering their property. Please contact any of the following who will be able to provide some flood resilience.


Contact Telephone Number
Derick Moss 07860735025
Brian Kennedy 01704 895374