29 June 2023                                                                        Issue: 1

Draft Council Plan 2023-2028 – Have your say

  • Draft Council Plan 2023-2028 outlines the strategic ambitions and priorities over the next five years
  • Residents, businesses, and partner organisations are invited to share their views
  • The consultation will open 29th June 2023 until 10th August 2023

West Lancashire Borough Council is developing a new Council Plan for 2023-2028 and is inviting residents and partners to engage in an online consultation exercise to share their views on the draft plan.

The Council Plan outlines what we want to prioritise and improve over the next five years. It allows us to align activity and resources to target those key priorities and sets out our vision for West Lancashire as the place of choice to live, work, visit and invest.

To support the initial development of the draft Council Plan, feedback on the existing plan was collected from Councillors, staff and key stakeholders. This feedback, alongside other insight gained, including a cross-party councillor workshop, has been used to develop four key priorities, which are:

  • Create clean and environmentally sustainable places
  • Generate prosperity in our borough
  • Nurture inclusive and healthy communities to grow
  • Manage a resilient, financially strong Council that listens to its residents


It is important that the new plan reflects the views of our residents, businesses and stakeholders so that we continue to deliver the best outcomes for West Lancashire working alongside our communities and partner organisations. 


Councillor Yvonne Gagen, Leader of the Council, said: “Our ambitions for West Lancashire are at the heart of everything we do. Having this plan allows us to ensure activity and resources are targeting the most important issues our residents face, as well as how they want to see the Borough develop and prosper over the next five years.


“The views of those who live, work and do business here are key in helping shape the Council Plan, and this consultation is a great way to have real and valuable input into what and how we as a council deliver on their behalf over the next few years.”


You can give us your views by:


The consultation runs from 29th June until 10th August 2023.

Feedback will then be used to shape the final plan which will be considered for approval by elected members at full Council in October.




For more information on this media release please contact us at comms.team@westlancs.gov.uk.


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