Our promotion of Report It on the go began on 25 April 2022 and will continue throughout the summer months and beyond. The campaign aims to inform residents about our new third-party app called Love Clean Streets, where they can report highways faults on the go.
The app is free for customers to download to their device via the Apple Store or Google Play Store.
Residents can currently report the following issues via the app:
- Pothole
- Streetlight
- Blocked drain
- Footway problem (new)
All categories that are on the Report It website will eventually be available to report via the app.
We are working towards making the following categories available on the app before the end of July:
- Trip hazard
- Vegetation
- Damaged sign
- Damaged bollard
Remaining categories should be available on the app before the end of August:
- Traffic light
- Damaged bus stop
- Grit bin
Information about the app and what is available can be viewed here: https://www.lancashire.gov.uk/roads-parking-and-travel/report-it/report-it-on-the-go/ As new items are added to the app, we will update the website with the information.